Tuesday, 22 May 2012

ducks in Bali at Capung Mas

The reason for the trip to Ubud in September 2011 was a girlfriend's eldest daughter was being married and I was invited, and therefore went. The wedding itself and the gatherings before and afterwards were held at Capung Mas.  More details of this fabulous house go to their website.

 The two Tut Ducks at the front gate, feeling important.

 The real ducks who live across the road in the rice fields. A pleasant amount of time can be spent on the top verandah watching them.

 General views from the side verandah upstairs, Capung Mas.

The Indian restaurant across the road, the building is all bamboo.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Ducks in Bali (again)

I have already documented the ducks in Canberra. The next major trip was in September 2011, to Bali for the wedding of a friend's daughter. Wonderful excuse to travel. This time I took the two Tut Ducks with me. I know they have not been introduced properly as yet, that will come later.
I stayed at the lovely Gerebig Bungalows in Penestanan. The ducks at the entrance with Ganesha.
 In the newly planted rice fields between my bungalow and the swimming pool.

 In the swimming pool. They appeared a little shy at first but soon became more adventurous.

Just two pretty for words!!!!!

Yes, same place as last year with this year's ducks!!

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Christmas Day, St Kilda, 2010

And another Christmas Day with the ducks. This time in St Kilda.

 The ducks line up for the occasion.
 Of course there were lots of prezzies!!!
and panettone and wine and Vogue
And a borrowed tree with my little decorations which I naturally packed and had tucked away in the car for the day. All hand made of course. And some larger decorations which were among the presents! Again mostly hand made. We are a crafty family.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

dining out in Melbourne with duck

Duck dining out at a fab Melbourne restaurant.

 fab raspberry and mascarpone tart

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

South Melbourne Market with ducks

On Christmas Eve we ventured to the South Melbourne market to stock up on food for Christmas Day. Wow, was it packed!!!!
 Hardly room to hold up a duck to be photographed!! Fabulous food so well worth the effort.
 Couldn't resist asking these young boys busking to participate with a duck in the violin case. Those ducks will go anywhere.
Christmas Day food was a wonderful combination of South Melbourne market and the St Kilda Farmer's market purchases. We managed to go to the St Kilda Farmer's market on the Wednesday evening. Naturally, we did not manage to actually consume all the food we purchased!  I was eating well for the next two weeks of my Melbourne sojourn. 

Monday, 7 May 2012

Made it to Melbourne

I did make it to Melbourne on Sunday 19 December, staying at a friend's flat in St Kilda for Christmas. It did end up being for three weeks instead of the original two weeks as the clutch broke in my car and had to be renewed, not so easy as it sounds over new year holiday.

Melbourne was all about fab food and family and friends. And Christmas shopping.
Travel Duck came with us into the city for the main Christmas shopping event and seemed to enjoy the tram into the city...............

................... and the shop displays, blending in nicely .......................

...... and lunch in a cafe in Little Collins Street for respite from the crowds .........

........ and the finale of pretending to be a Christmas decoration..

Saturday, 5 May 2012

ducks in Victoria

After leaving the Coonawarra I crossed into Victoria to what I thought was the Mallee district.  Looking up Google just then I found that I was much lower than the Mallee area and in what was called the larger Grampian area!  I had fun driving anyway, no matter where I was. This was country I had not been in for a very long time.
Couldn't resist a photo of a duck in a 'black boy' plant, botanical name Xanthorrhoea or another name, balga grass.

On to Derrinallum to stay with friends for two night. Very cold and rainy and this was December! I had left the warm, sultry north far behind me now and this was my welcome to my future, living in the south - cold and rain. I hope I can adjust.

 Showing how the ducks were travelling in style. No plastic bag or cardboard box for these ducks! They were snugly tucked into a wicker basket, wedged into the back of my little Hyundai Getz between bags and other essentials for living out of my car for a moment in time. Very comfy.

More photos of the ducks in a bird bath. They seem to naturally gravitate to the bird baths when they are around. No room for the two big ducks in the bath and so they were stately in isolation on top of their portable home, the wicker picnic basket.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Ducks in the Coonawarra at Wynns

Aaahh! Yes, wine country. Forgot what day i am up to, maybe Day 8, driving from Adelaide to Derrinallum in Victoria. Yes, that's it.  I took a small detour as I am wont to do when driving and wandered through the Coonawarra. Could not resist stopping at a winery, buying wine and, of course, having some photos of the ducks hooning about.

 The staff were very helpful in positioning the ducks in the bird's nest on the branches of the 100 year old vine.

and the wine was gorgeous, as it should be; a lovely cabernet merlot was enjoyed in Derrinallum and another in Melbourne, plus the others I purchased