Monday, 26 January 2015

Back again.........

The past two and a half years since my last post have been action-packed, though that is not the reason why I have not posted. Life becomes difficult sometimes and that could sum up what this time has been. As things happen I am back and feeling like a new woman. Life is now looking up after having a left hip total replacement in November; I can now walk again without a stick (sorry, duck walking stick, you are not needed at present) and am without pain for the first time in very many years!! It is quite extraordinary!

Anyway, I am back in Darwin, working at CDU and recently shifted into new share accommodation, with the ducks of course. There are 136 of them, including duck paraphernalia, so it is taking me some time to catalogue them and put them onto the post. 

Yes, I have a duck roll. This is important as people give them to me as presents as well as being purchased by me from around the world and so I like to remember who has given them, where they come from and also which ducks have travelled where, as I always travel with at least one duck. Though I don't think I have ever travelled with only one duck. Before I can turn around and shut the suitcase there are usually three in there; and if I am driving somewhere there are at least five. 

So check out the 'My Ducks' page. I am up to 45, which is quite good as there were only eight on there yesterday morning. 

Keep ducking along!

Some ducks and myself in Bali, August 2014, pre hip replacement operation so looking a little strained - me that is, not the ducks, they as usual are quite happy.

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