At the bottom of this box are diaries for 25 years and the middle layer are journals that I have used when I have been travelling as well as thoughts jotted down at different times. No real discipline in my jottings which has been interesting coming across something to think about the context. As the 'wearing different hats', that note was written in 2006, not so long ago but after having been disturbed by that saying for a number of years. Disturbed enough to write briefly about my dislike.
We are made up of our past, our present and the future we would like for ourselves. Why I am delving is to see how I came to this place where I am now. It's not being so helpful as yet but this is early days and there is always a teensy bit of hope left in the bottom of the barrel that what I am doing is useful. I may not see the usefulness, maybe that will be for my grandchildren to decide (who have not made their presence known as yet).
And the ducks? They accept what I am doing and hang out calmly until my attention will turn back to them. Which it will.
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