I feel I have started off on the wrong foot with calling the previous blog Day 1. It really should be called Night 1 as my trip was really divided into where I was staying overnight.
Backtracking, Night 1 was at Noonamah with friends and I left Noonamah Saturday morning, heading down the track (the Stuart Highway) bound for Tennant Creek. It was 9 pm when I eventually arrived in Tennant, met at a service station by my friends so they could guide me to their place. Lovely seeing them. So lovely to be there it was silly to continue travelling on the Sunday therefore Night 2 and 3 was at Tennant Creek. No photos from my stay here as the battery in my camera decided it was not going to work anymore and even though we tried, the battery could not be replaced.
Monday morning continued on to Alice Springs. First stop was in the town centre to find a camera store to buy a new battery. Very good camera store in the mall. Night 4 was at Alice. Tuesday morning left Alice and travelled to Uluru, Ayers Rock, to take photos of the ducks at the Rock. 500 kilometres extra in travelling off the Stuart Highway, another night's accommodation at Erldunda, the $25 fee to enter the National Park and the flies and heat!!!!!! All this to spend 10 minutes taking photos of the ducks with the Rock in the background. Mmmm, madness?
The photos speak for themselves.
The ducks had fun (as only rubber ducks can) and for me it is always a pleasure to see the Rock.